Admin Configuration - Overview
The Admin Configuration is a section within Marigold Engage that offers system administrators (users with this permission set applied) to configure Marigold Engage's organizations, mail domains, access management (such as permissions for groups and individual users, notification groups and API service accounts), global settings (such as IP whitelisting, password policy, mediums, creation of stored procedures, channel endpoints and email analysis) and data integration (connectors, trackers and scripts).
In Marigold Engage, click the gear
icon on the bottom left in the first-level navigation, to access the Admin Configuration.
The following tabs are displayed, representing the different element groups that can be configured for your environment:
Each tab represents a specific configuration element in Admin Configuration, with third-level navigation entries on the left.
They are organized as following :
- Organizations
- Deliverability
- Access Management
- Global
- Data Integration
- Labels
Depending on your permissions, certain tabs may be hidden :
- A System admin (default permission set) has access to all the configuration options.
⚠ Note that a user with only the System Admin permission set, has no access to Marigold Engage! This is because a System Admin is not linked to a specific organization but to the whole environment. In order to access Marigold Engage(and its different chapters, including the Admin Configuration), the user account needs to have at least one additional permission set with the correct access settings linked to one or more organizations.
- An Organization admin (default permission set) has only access to the Organizations configuration.
- Users without System admin & Organization admin rights have no access to the Admin configuration (the gear icon at the bottom-left is not visible for them).
Navigating the interface
Each one of the second-level tabs has one or more third-level entries, accessible from the vertical navigation on the left. Click an entry to open the corresponding overview on the right.
Upon editing one specific item from the overview, the right sliding panel is expanded with the item's properties.
Editing a channel endpoint, shows that channel endpoint's properties.
The right sliding panel can be hidden again by clicking on the icon.
Note that Admin Configuration is applicable on a global Marigold Engage level (while all other Engage entries are specific to your current active organization that's shown at the top-right).